Temporary Traffic Management
1 day
CPD Hours
Member Price
$790 + GST
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$990 + GST
Temporary Traffic Management Practice for Managers, Supervisors and Project Managers
Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) represents one of the highest WHS risks to Road Infrastructure Managers (RIM) due to the volume of activities that occur on and near roads and the serious outcomes that may arise in the event of a traffic incident. Asset owners must have a clear understanding of the associated risks and develop the policies, procedures, guidance, and systems that ensure that best practice TTM is implemented as practicable.
This one-day workshop will provide a practical overview of the new standards, the key changes in TTM practice, and other key elements that must be applied to achieve compliance.
Key learnings will impart a better understanding of best practice TTM and explore the potential for substantial cost savings by reducing the level of TTM and the subsequent costs for a wide range of low impact and short-term activities without a reduction in safety.
Who should attend?
This workshop is primarily aimed at staff involved in the areas of planning and managing road construction and maintenance activities, including, but
not limited to:
Road Asset Managers
Technical professionals
Project Managers
Learning Outcomes
An overview of all reference documentation
Key changes in TTM practice
RIM role and obligations
Policy and process documentation
Self-delivered services
3rd party works
RIM role in procuring and managing projects with TTM
Procurement of TTM and risks commonly seen.
Roles responsibilities of RIM / PCBU / TTM contractor
Current industry issues and risks
Overview of TTM technical requirements
Introduction to a TMP, its requirements and contents, and what to expect
Introduction to the TGS design and best guidance for oversight training requirements
Best practice processes for surveillance and inspection of TTM on site.
Dan has over 30 years of industry experience across academia, government and the private sector in Australia and the UK. His ongoing involvement in the temporary traffic management industry has him recognised as an industry specialist.
Dan was Project Manager for development of the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management and initiated a program for nationally harmonised training, industry registration and company prequalification. He provides ongoing technical support to State, Territory and Local Governments and to industry. He developed the QLD Traffic Management Design course.