Unsealed Roads – Network Asset Management Overview
18 March 2025
0.5 day
CPD Hours
Member Price
$550 + GST
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Non Member Price
$750 + GST
An overview of key management issues that will increase your knowledge and understanding in the unsealed road network asset management area.
The 0.5-day Online Unsealed Roads – Network Asset Management Overview, provides attendees with information of key issues often asked by road owners and managers. Whilst some of the content is based on ARRB’s 2020 Unsealed Roads - Best Practice Guide, and Austroads’ Guide to Pavement Technology Part 6 – Unsealed Pavements, 2009; practical knowledge and real-life examples from road authorities are provided.
IPWEA-QNT is offering a one-day workshop to provide support for road authorities and private industry.
This 0.5 day online overview of Unsealed Road – Network Management will provide an informative overview of the following:
Unsealed Roads – The Basics (a brief review of principles, challenges, condition, gravels etc)
Asset Management – Policy, Strategy, Level of Service, Network Funding Model, Budgets
Economics of bitumen sealing an unsealed road – some simplified approaches
Overview – Pavement Design, Safety, Drainage, Geometry
This will assist all owners &/or operators of unsealed roads in reviewing their management practices.
Who should attend?
This workshop is primarily aimed at staff involved in the areas of unsealed road management and related activities, but not limited to:
Civil Engineers
Asset Engineers
Infrastructure Managers
Asset Managers
General Managers
Learning Outcomes
Unsealed Roads – General, Performance, Challenges, Gravels
Network Asset Management – Policy, strategy, Level of Service and Network funding models.
Economic considerations of upgrading to a bitumen seal standard – what are the cost differences and the affect on a road network.
Reminder of important aspects : Pavement Design, Safety & Drainage

Chris Cleary
Chris is a senior engineer with 32 years of experience in planning and delivery of road surfacing, construction, pavement rehabilitation and maintenance works, including unsealed road management. He has an array of experience with gravel materials in both the State and Local Government sectors in Queensland and New South Wales. Chris’s extensive experience includes all aspects of road infrastructure management at all project stages from planning through to construction and maintenance, including project management, contract administration and construction management of road construction and maintenance projects. Chris is a Member of IEAust, IPWEA and a RPEQ.
Phil Hunt
Phil’s baseline engineering skills come from over 35 years of experience in the road design and construction industry. He has extensive experience in the concept, planning, design, construction, maintenance and asset management of roads and bridges. Phil has a long involvement with unsealed road management and has co-presented Unsealed Roads Courses since 2019.
In particular, Phil has assisted road authorities in the practical aspects of maintenance and management of unsealed road networks. He has a keen interest in the long-term performance of pavements and has assisted in various research projects for Austroads and Arrb Group/QTMR (NACOE).
Of note, is the work on the use of Marginal Materials (low specification gravels) on rural road networks in a project titled “Sustainable Roads through fit-for-purpose use of available materials”. Phil has a Masters in Engineering (Real-life Pavement Performance) and is a CPEng, RPEQ and a member of IEAust.