Roads Pavements Visual Condition Assessment and Asset Management | Townsville
25 February 2025
1 day
Townsville QLD, Australia
CPD Hours
Member Price
$800 + GST
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Non Member Price
$950 + GST
A key task of the roads manager is to ensure the ongoing integrity of road pavement assets by undertaking appropriate condition assessments at regular intervals. These assessments are used to identify emerging or progressed defects that may affect the safety risk or asset integrity risk of road pavements across the network. Understanding what causes road pavement defects and how to diagnose them is a crucial skill set of the road asset manager to ensure the safe, appropriate, and optimised management of road pavements.
This one-day program is designed to provide the attendee with a solid grounding in the fundamentals of the causes of road pavement defects, how to assess them, and how to utilise the results. The course is built around the methodologies presented in IPWEA Road Practice Note 9 and its Addendums. It combines methodologies, practical examples and exercises for attendees.
Attendees will develop confidence and practical skills to undertake effective road pavements condition assessment using simple visual based methods , leading to better decision making around the management of road pavements. Attendees will also learn how to utilise the results for financial and strategic asset management.
IPWEA Practice Note 9 and Addendums 9.1 and 9.2 are essential reference materials for this course.
Who should attend?
This program is targeted at those involved in, or responsible for, the decision-making around road pavements strategic asset management, including, but not limited to:
· engineers and other technical professionals
· asset managers
· engineering consultants
· field inspectors.
This is a ‘Hands On” course which explains “How To” undertake the different tasks of visual roads pavements condition assessment, and utilise the results to estimate remaining useful life, depreciation and to prepare renewal works programs.
Learning Outcomes
· Overview Rods Pavements Practice Note 9 and Addendums
· Levels of Service
· Risk Management
· Information Management
· Condition Rating System
· Inspection Process
· Data Analysis
· Lifecycle and Long-Term Financial Planning
· Works Schedules and Programming
Attendees will:
· learn the most common causes of defects in sealed and unsealed road pavements.
· develop visual road pavements condition assessment skills.
· Utilise the results for financial and strategic asset management.

Graham Jordan
Graham has over 45 years’ experience working on the planning, design and management of local government infrastructure for Queensland Main Roads, Esso Australia, Marathon Petroleum, Moreton and Ipswich Council’s and consulting. As a consultant Graham has specialised in asset management, asset systems, asset data capture, asset management plans and programme development. Graham is at the forefront of the implementation of Asset Management within local government, to improve the delivery of infrastructure services. Since 1996, Graham has worked as an independent consultant assisting clients to gain asset management skills through recent assignments for in Queensland and interstate. Graham has skills across both technical and financial asset management. In 2017, Graham prepared Roads Practice Note 9 Addendums 9.1 and 9.2. Addendum 9.1 provides detailed guidance on how to undertake visual pavement condition assessment, and Addendum 9. 2 details how the results are integrated in Roads Asset Management Planning.