Road Safety Audit Workshop
2 days
CPD Hours
Member Price
$1,850 + GST
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Non Member Price
$2,150 + GST
Road Safety Audits are an integral part of the safe system approach at all stages of the road construction and maintenance process. The objective of a road safety audit is to identify foreseeable hazards for all road users.
The road safety audit process provides a reasonable, but not absolute, hazard identification method for all road users, focusing on reducing fatal and serious injuries.
• The mechanics of Road Safety Audits
• Legal liabilities
• Safe system & safe road environment
• The audit process
• Report writing
• Land use developments
• Roadside hazards
• Vulnerable road users
• Roadwork traffic management
Who should attend?
Designed for road safety audit practitioners who have not conducted a sufficient number of road safety audits to remain on the register of accredited auditors. The course may also be useful for accredited auditors wishing to hone their skills and knowledge.
Attendees can download a free version of the Austroads Guide to Road Safety Part 6: Managing Road Safety Audits via the Austroads website: www.austroads.com.au
Learning Outcomes
Participants will be provided with a certificate of attendance. Certificates can be uploaded to the Track MY CPD portal to monitor you CPD compliance for or towards RPEQ. To become a registered Road Safety Auditor, the Department of Transport and Main Roads requires that you have:
a minimum of five (5) years’ relevant experience in road design, traffic engineering, road safety engineering or other closely related road safety discipline;
successfully completed an approved road safety auditors course (this course).

Dan has over 30 years of industry experience across academia, government and the private sector in Australia and the UK. His ongoing involvement in the temporary traffic management industry has him recognised as an industry specialist.
Dan was Project Manager for development of the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management and initiated a program for nationally harmonised training, industry registration and company prequalification. He provides ongoing technical support to State, Territory and Local Governments and to industry. He developed the QLD Traffic Management Design course.