Concrete Pathway/Cycleway Design & Construction
27 March 2025
Hybrid - Online/Brisbane
CPD Hours
Member Price
$550 + GST
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Non Member Price
$750+ GST
Concrete pathways and cycleways are an important and integral consideration in the planning and design of subdivisions, roads, open spaces and other environments where people and active transport devices need to travel. There are a variety of design aspects that must be considered to provide appropriate, long-lasting and economical concrete paths irrespective of location, size, cost or complexity.
IPWEA-QNT, in collaboration with Danley, we are pleased to offer a workshop on Concrete Pathway Design ‘based on relevant industry guidelines and standards.
The course will provide designers and practitioners with information to appropriately design, construct and maintain concrete pathways and cycleways, through the knowledge and guidance provided by experienced industry design professionals.
The course reaffirms the materials, production, testing, placement and finishing of concrete and reinforcing required for good pathway design. Although concentrating on Pathway design applications, learning outcomes can be applied to most concrete design projects incorporating ground slabs subjected to light traffic conditions.
Who should attend?
The workshop is primarily aimed at, but not limited to:
civil engineers involved in pathway design
pathway design and safety consultants
engineers requiring specialist training or understanding of issues relating to concrete failures on concrete pathways and cycleways
state road authority staff who deal in pathway design, development, and construction
graduate engineers looking for specialist skills for career development
practitioners looking to refresh their understanding of pathway design and construction
engineers and designers contributing to aspects of subdivisions, road and other infrastructure design
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes include:
Familiarising designers, civil engineers, and practitioners with best practice concrete pathway design.
Outlining application of appropriate concrete joint design and placement for the control random cracking.
Describing how ground surface and environmental conditions can influence pathway design, pathway location, pathway elements and associated features.
Providing training focused on meeting local requirements with associated case studies.
Presented in pertnership with Danley

Paul Timson
Paul has over 10 years of experience in the construction industry, holding various engineering and technical roles with manufacturers of innovative construction products and systems. His expertise spans civil, commercial, and industrial projects across Australia.
Currently employed as a structural engineer at Reid™ Construction Systems, Paul specialises in engineered load transfer and joint systems for concrete slab-on-ground applications, as well as concrete reinforcement, anchoring, fastening, and fixing technologies.
He is committed to sharing his expertise with engineers, industry leaders, government bodies, and civil contractors, advocating for best practice design and construction of concrete footpaths and cycleways for improved safety, quality and sustainability of active transport infrastructure in Australia.